Saturday, September 11, 2010

What do you fear?

Sometimes, I wonder why people fear loneliness. Or rather doing things alone.
Is it that difficult?
Maybe that's why I am a loner (no, I'm not being emo, just being factual) and I'm not ashamed about that or affected by it.
I don't see why being alone is seen with such disdain.
What's wrong with eating alone? What's wrong with going to classes alone?
Have we always grown up with such dependency? Were we brought up that way?
Come to think of it, yes probably. Most of us at least.

I actually like being alone. 'Me time' is an essential in my life. I spend too much time with myself than with others. But I see nothing wrong with it. I can't help myself but see others in a different light when I see them so dependent on friends :/ I have to say I view this behaviour as a human weakness and the clingyness kind of irks me.

So I would love to say "Don't judge me", but I'm sure you already have.

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