Saturday, July 26, 2008

Chaotic Heart

Nowadays, I am not having my intellectual (subjective) moments.
So yes, today is Saturday.
I woke up at 1pm which is the meeting time for OG Linguine outing.
Joined them at Cine at about 5 plus.
Ended quite nicely.

I swear, You Are Pathetic.

I travelled the long journey to Boon Lay just to pay $50 for Hall Camp.
Met Wei Lin at Boon Lay after her SOT to head down to Orange Bowl Origins!
Heh, don't we all love Uncle Pang.
Met up with Jiang for a walk down memory lane. (Secondary School Memory Lane, That Is.)
So I ate alot (It's orange bowl for goodness sake!!!)
Then we toured our very lovely St Nicholas Girls School.
Had Tau Huey opposite.
Had fun catching up, playing with W300's smile shutter once again.
Seeing the 'Happy Toilets' certificates.

Next, I went to Wei Lin's house!
It's been a long long long long long long time.
Just lazing around, I actually napped on her guest room bed.
Watched local dramas till the clock struck 11! Accompanied by Curry Instant Noodles too!
Somehow, it felt like I was back to secondary school.
Where I will go to her house, for practically nothing.
Haha okay just to bum around and play Sims 2.
Sadly, I did not appear as calafare for the 3rd time in a row!
Okay I am not that sad lah. Hur.

Next next, it was Beatnik Picnic at SMU Green!
Bumped into Natasha and her friends. Saw Warren&Hilary.
Got a free polaroid picture that night! (:
Visited the various museums throughout the night!
Played some dodge-some-people game (Haha okay not really)
Got fascinated by Peranakan showcase.
Haha honestly, some parts of the Peranakan exhibits were actually quite very creepy.
Got quite sleepy at the end.
ZOMG on the nightrider home, some guy diagonally opposite behind me THREW UP!
I think I felt some splatter of the puke on me, slightly.
But I ignored it. IGNORANCE IS BLISS!
Hah, then I handed that poor guy a packet of tissue.

So that was my Friday :D
Quite an eventful day, I had fun! ((:

It's funny the way I am feeling now.
Why, why Chaotic Heart,
Do you so love teasing me?

Little Bit

Alrightey, Thursday 24th July.


After 7 months of zilch visits to the hairdresser.
Totally digging my new hair cut. ;)

So it was Brunch for me with HQ.
I was late, and I am terribly sorry. (I know, as usual right)
We went to Hair Inn to do our hair.
Haha I wanted to like GRR my hairdresser.
She got so frustrated because my hair request was so out of the ordinary for her.
Kept hinting I can't pull it off yada yada my face too round yada yada.
I don't like this kind of hairdressers although they are everywhere.
But okay I like her hair cut, so it evens out.
HQ rebonded her hair!
I find it funny that after everything, she came out with longer hair than before.
We took Before & After photos!
Although the cashier did cheat me of like $3.00! ):
Because my hair is supposed to be medium length not long! But she counted it the other way, so yeah ):
We had Thai Express, haha my favourite Tom Yum! :D
I had fun that day (:
Now, HQ you can finally have straight hair.
Although I did warn you straight hair has its own shortcomings!
Also. Sorry for spilling curry sauce on you! :/

What Does It Take

Get all Set&Ready for a long entry. Or maybe short multiple entries.


My big brother is a fucking retard. He has yet to compensate me one external hard disk.

Okay, Wednesday 23rd July.
Catching up over Subway breakfast with Clara Ang Ling Jia!
Amazing, I still can remember her full name.
Known her since forever, probably since we were babies.
Clara is leaving for the USA for university! ): THIS SUNDAY!!!
It was nonetheless fabulous meeting her after ten thousand zillion years.
And I think, she's probably the only person I know to have stayed the same (physically and mentally) after so long.
One true being.

Next up was Kenneth's POP.
Haha I got tickled by their marching.
Because the graduates were all in dark blue, marching out.
They resembled ants from far sight.
Congratulations to you! Finally done with BMT.

Headed down to City Hall to meet the OG Linguine.
Aiyo can't believe I got lost in Marina Square!
Supper at Prata House Thomson
and I got a ride home from Super-senior Marcus.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Everybody But Me

Dum Dum Dum
Lykke Li is absolutely adorable!

Haha lately, I have a new habit of dragging the words I type.

But anyhow, Lykke Li is the New Black.
For me, at least. (:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Beneath the Neon Lighting, Everyone Looked Sick

Tee Hee Hee
I quit my job today.
My threshold for draining jobs is seriously...amazing, I guess.

I got into Hall 12 (:

Still am getting tickled by the Hush Hush conversation that some Hush Hush people and I had a few nights before.

If There's A Soulmate For Everyone

I know this entry is awfully late,
but silly me had to take up a quite draining job last minute so I did not have the energy to make this entry happen!

I really need an external hard disk and I am really hating my brother for taking mine away.
and I mean HATE.

Ah, I don't remember what I had wanted to blog about.
But okay on Thursday was Thai Express with the clique :D
My favourite Tom Yum Soup! Ever!
And yes because it is a tradition that there should be a surprise element in each and every one of our birthdays, Alicia was the surprise this time. (:
I had pandan nonya green cakes as a birthday cake!
And the Thai Fried Tofu, which is complimentary and is very yummy as well.
Haha, and we headed to Macs at Lucky Plaza for some dessert ice-cream,
and of course the highlight was MAJOR CAM-WHORING, yes MAJOR.
That night our inner cam-whore demons were unleashed gradually, the force was so overwhelming. Yes we had our dear Jiam to be our photographer of course.
I think the amount of photos we took, exceeded 3 Facebook Albums, that seriously is a record for me. We had 3 cameras too! It's so unusual cause not everyone brings camera in the clique, USUALLY.

I love it when we are together.

Thank you sweethearts!
Weilin, Alicia, Qianya and not forgetting Jiam.
It's so difficult to gather us all at once, but I'm still glad we still make the effort at times.
(: I love you all very much. very very much.
Thank you for the bag and the card (18 + 1), haha it's really memorable.

And I had tonnes of fun that night (:
Heart Heart Heart!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm The Last Chick Standing Up Against The Wall

First, most importantly.


Last night, was Mambo Night with Amirah Sandy & Cheryl.
I swear, it's amazing how early we went, and Amirah & I were so worried we won't be able to make it for the Phuture queue. HAHAHA!

And for that kiasu-ness, we were probably the first 50 ladies to make it into the club. Hur hur. My virgin glance at an empty soul-less Zouk & Phuture.

Last night was...not so bad. And Sandy, I think your best friend Cheryl is damn hot can. Bumped into Sharon at Arena and Wenxu plus FOC seniors too.

Anyhow, I'm so torn between decisions! ):
Should I volunteer for Singapore Biennale?
I need to apply for Hall Camp too.
Should I cover PA for REM?
Or should I take up the 1 week job stint for my cousin's company?

and if only I wasn't born with such a lazy bum, I could have helped Alvin PA-ed today, and earn 60 bucks! ): If only I wasn't such a bum...

And yes yes later will be dinner with Fawq (without Tai-tai Alicia) plus Jiam. Haha what a way I phrase this. THAI EXPRESS! :D Yum yum tom yum!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Are You Calling Me, Darling?

Currently, I'm hooked on to The Ting Tings! (:

Haha Anyway, I am trying to wriggle out of PA-ing for Alvin tomorrow ):
And I am going to get a new laptop for university, I hope my mommy doesn't take her words back.

I'm trying to get all pysched up for tonight.

And Thank you King Eddy! (: Appreciate it.

For now, I just need to take a breather. Let nature take its own course and see where it brings me. Yes? I absolutely believe it's the best idea to follow now.

I'm still waiting for my pay ): So broke I cannot do anything. If anyone robs my POSB, HAHA good luck, you won't even feel the slight tinge of being rich. That, is how broke I am.

No One Will Ever Love Me Like You Did

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 or 10.
Money Can't Buy You Back The Love That You Had Then.

I know you hate me, for being so weak.
But all I can offer you, are my sincere apologies.
I know what you think of me, and I can't change it.
I'm the evil one, and you hate me.
I don't blame you.

It's Goodbye Now, Botak Boy.

I still hope you will be okay.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Warren was nice enough to cheer me up with a really sweet video.
So I'll share it with everyone!

Anyhow, Weilin shared some youtube videos too.
Some infernal affairs game show where they play this game that goes
Jijizazajijizazajijiji! Mao Zhua Lao Shu Zhua Ji Zhi?

Chinese han yu pin yin.

Damn funny! Damn fun game. We can so play it in a big group.
Made me tickle quite a bit.
And Perfect Cut was really nice too!

Yeay! (:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'll Keep Standing

I feel like I have missed out quite a bit on FOC. My mood was usually easily irritable and thus I tried not to talk to too many people just in case I blew my top. Haha yes I know I appeared like a loner throughout the whole camp ( I admit I have been rather quiet on the whole lately, and everyone's asking me why ). But hey, give me some time, I'm sure I can do better. I'll regain my cheery & nonsense self soon. (: Time to re-adjust. It's a pity this had to happened just before the camp. Aye...

I just need some time.

Anyhow, I want to watch Bad Habits, Summer Rain (But I am too young to watch it!!!) ): and Driving Lessons. Maybe catching Driving Lessons with Food HQ tomorrow!

And yes I want to cut hair too, maybe just before Semester One begins. EGG-CITED!

Last night was Ma La steamboat with Wawa Sisters! It was fantastic seeing all of them again. Perfect Cut was such a nostalgic project for me. It still is. Although I probably screwed up my PA job for that. Haha and Big Brother Noel bought a new car! 2 doors! I um, don't like 2 doors cars. :/

And so for today, I will be packing my really messy dirty filthy room. I feel so bad not covering the other PA but its okay I think it's better this way. And I heard one of the cast is having an internal wrap party! on a boat! ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG! ): If i cover for him, I will probably have a chance to be invited to the party! HAHAHAHA! but okay i'm not that hard up for it. Although the idea to party on a boat, is still oh so very tentalizing... ayee...


Saturday, July 12, 2008

We Used To Be

I am back from NTUWKWSCIFOC 2008.
Qian Ya wanted to overnight mahjong tonight, but I think I have to give it a miss since I've been away from home for like 4 nights already. ):

I am looking forward to Wawa Sisterhood Reunion Steamboat Dinner tomorrow night!
Zomg, I miss them all so much!

Anyhow, yes I know my lovely friends all owe me birthday celebrations, so hurry date me before i get busy again (Hur hur, I'm the queen yo)! I can't wait to see all you ladies (Fawq & AA4 sweethearts) !!!

And yes thank you my dear OG Linguine, for getting me a birthday cake (:

And and, I do not know what I want to type anymore.

I just want to thank someone special in my life. It's unfortunate that we have come to an end, but thank you so much for all the memories that you gave me. I am grateful to you for helping me in so many ways, and I just want you to know that you're irreplaceable. I hope you know that. (:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Let's Get Drunk & Freaky Fly

Catch Perfect Cut on Channel U!
Premieres July 9th, 10pm!

I just saw the shots/trailer, it looked sooo goood!

Anyhow, been to office for 2 days straight.
First time working in an office.
Got to try my hand at casting and auditions!
It's quite fun! :D New Skill heh.

I am really dreading work for this project.
It is simply draining me, of everything ):

And yes I have forgotten what I had wanted to blog so Goodnight,
and another office day of auditions tomorrow ):