Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Life since the A-Levels

I have too much to say right now, must be due to the lack of blogging in my previous blog.
So, a second entry so fast so furious.

I got back at 8A.M. this morning from Madras St. Overnight shift.
My poor feet, sore and aching.
This job stint so far has been the most strenuous (ie. manual labour) one I have done.

Wow, I must say I am quite proud of myself about the portfolio I have clocked since the A-Levels.
It is also amazing how Network of People are so crucial in the working line.
I shall start now:

1. Folks Jump Over The Wall (Channel 8 Sitcom) By Boku Films - Wardrobe Assistant
Thanks Brother & Warren plus rest of the production team.
2. Money No Enough 2 (Movie) By J-Team Productions, I assume - Wardrobe Assistant Stand-In 2 days
Thanks Chau Min.
3. Perfect Cut (Channel U Drama) By Wawa Pictures - Production Assistant
Thanks Chau Min, again.
4. R.E.M, The Next Generation By Big Communications - Production Assistant Stand-In 2 days
Thanks Andre Boh.

Thanks to all these great people who gave me these ample opportunities and experiences (:

Oh and yes, HQ HQ HQ! I am still slightly sore I missed the chance to smile for the country and make $30! I JUST CANNOT GET OVER IT OKAY! >:(

I must say I am actually quite contented with my performance in No. 4, which was just this Sunday and Monday. I personally felt I did not do a good job at all 1. & 3. So yep, yeay I hope this marks the start of my potential exuding finally.

And tonight, I shall take it slow. Dine-in with The Parents. Family life had been quite a wild ride for me recently, almost driving me berserk, over the edge. But I'll take this chance, to attempt to treasure my family, my parents. This quality time, is for them.

Let's just hope it doesn't end with high vocal volumes, shall we?

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