Friday, September 19, 2008

Bad Writer, I Am.

YongC says blogging helps in my writing. It is the practice.
I know he is going to read this. Haha.

Blogging helps, but sadly, I do not blog enough for the practice to actually come to the slightest bit of usefulness.
Maybe, it's time to start.

Last night was Hall JCRC Investiture.
I can swear my head off, the hall atmosphere made me so sleepy.
My eyes could not keep wide open. Despite the fact that I was standing throughout the entire event, my eyes...
I felt like I was in a complete daze the entire time.

Return to my room, and evolved into a grouch monster.
A lonely soul in a 2 bedroom room. Mavis is always leaving early in the week!
A terrible headache took me over, I just had to nap.
Woke up and finally got down to watching an episode of Flight Of The Conchords.
It's hilarious shitzxz. No, really. It is.
The songs the crazy duo sing can become intensive ear worms, seriously.

And I am secretly excited/pysched/stoked for CS DnD.
Ha-ha. I bought senseless things like the old school Yellow Power Ranger Plastic Mask!
And Ultra-Man too. And, some other things.
Not quite sure if I am going to use everything, that's if I'm even going.

So, it is officially the start of Recess Week for me.
And I need to pack Hall stuff to bring back to Home Sweet Home.
Hee Hee got to bring back my smelly dirty soft bolster!

The weather has been quite nasty of late.

It Backfired At The Disco, I hope not.

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